A few weeks ago, I posted a description of a normal day in class. I promised a follow-up. After a few family emergencies that pushed my personal deadline way out of wack, I’m back to tell you how I pull a crazy class back together. A little flashback to my previous post: Working with international kids means that a lot of my time is spent fielding questions about day-to-day life issues. A Q.& A. session with students can quickly eat up all my instruction time. I feel burdened to help these kids navigate their lives here in America. I want to answer their random questions, but I also want to teach content. So, how do I address the needs and questions of the students while also maintaining my educational goals? Here are a few methods I use:
These methods show the students that I am not ignoring their concerns, but I am still in control of my own classroom. Students know they will be heard and their questions will be answered, but I have a purpose and I have a job to love them through education and to prepare them for their future.